Htv Box Activation Code Free

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  1. Htv Box Apps Download
  2. Htv Box Activation Code Free Billowysajidali1

I turn off the box and restart it after half hour,then turn back on. 粵繽紛 not showing activation code message can directly work again. 鮮橙視頻 still showing need activation code message but work again. Wondering what happen tomorrow? This is interesting. Maybe it's a scare tactic to get people to pay.


  • No point of fighting with money. New box!= you'll get longer service. As of this morning, none of the TV apps work, 粵港樂視shows產品過期, 非凡電視asks for activation code, so as 鮮橙視頻and 7天回看, so my HTV2 box is practically dead. Activation code is $20 for 6 months for now, who knows when they'll change back to $40 or more.
  • TV Box Brazil Code, Brazil TV Box Renew Code, A2 Renew Code,Brazil TV Box Renew Code, Activation Code for A1/A2/ HTV/IPTV 5/6,Subscription 16-Digit Renew Code,One Yea with Extra 1 Month subscrip.
  • Usually, the activation time is within 1-2 hours. If there is no activation, you can write to us, and we will solve it for you. This code can only use for Chinese TV BOX A1 / HTV2/HTV3 Chinese TV BOX renewal code is for A1 / HTV2/HTV3 1 year (13 months) Include 16 digit code, not include the tv box.
  • Change again !!
    I turn off the box and restart it after half hour,then turn back on.
    粵繽紛 not showing activation code message can directly work again.
    鮮橙視頻 still showing need activation code message but work again.
    Wondering what happen tomorrow?
  • Change again !!
    I turn off the box and restart it after half hour,then turn back on.
    粵繽紛 not showing activation code message can directly work again.
    鮮橙視頻 still showing need activation code message but work again.
    Wondering what happen tomorrow?
    This is interesting. Maybe it's a scare tactic to get people to pay. The other one that still show need for activation code, how many days does it say now?
  • edited December 2018
    Change again !!
    I turn off the box and restart it after half hour,then turn back on.
    粵繽紛 not showing activation code message can directly work again.
    鮮橙視頻 still showing need activation code message but work again.
    Wondering what happen tomorrow?
    How many days remaining on 鮮橙視頻? How about 非凡電視?
  • All 3 Apps have one more day left here.
    Hope they'll say one day remaining forever
  • edited December 2018

    Hope they'll say one day remaining forever
    Well, no such luck. This morning the apps showed 應用已過期 and stopped working
    How about yours @clifflee06 ?
  • my 非凡電視 totally not working.
    粵繽紛 and 鮮橙視頻 partially work
    I think I have to wait for a few more days to see what happen next.
  • my 非凡電視 totally not working.
    粵繽紛 and 鮮橙視頻 partially work
    I think I have to wait for a few more days to see what happen next.
    I'm in the same boat. Need an activation code.. See them on amazon for around 80
  • my 非凡電視 totally not working.
    粵繽紛 and 鮮橙視頻 partially work
    I think I have to wait for a few more days to see what happen next.
    I'm in the same boat. Need an activation code.. See them on amazon for around 80
    Don't get those, it's for the Brazil box

  • BTW, I sent email to this address, in Chinese, but no reply after 3 days.
    Finally got a reply to the email.
    Not sure why only some of us are targeted for the activation fees.

  • BTW, I sent email to this address, in Chinese, but no reply after 3 days.
    Finally got a reply to the email.
    Not sure why only some of us are targeted for the activation fees.
    It is just started. It will eventually happen to everything. The next will be HTV3 I guess..
  • edited December 2018

    BTW, I sent email to this address, in Chinese, but no reply after 3 days.
    Finally got a reply to the email.
    Not sure why only some of us are targeted for the activation fees.
    It is just started. It will eventually happen to everything. The next will be HTV3 I guess..
    Ok check it here ( HTV2 HTV1 A1 will no longer be supported ) and here for Htv 3, HTV5 and A2
  • But buying a new box won't support them so they have to force people subscribe.
  • was an great box, unfortunately, they have to do this shit, what a sham.

  • BTW, I sent email to this address, in Chinese, but no reply after 3 days.
    Finally got a reply to the email.
    Not sure why only some of us are targeted for the activation fees.
    It is just started. It will eventually happen to everything. The next will be HTV3 I guess..
    Ok check it here ( HTV2 HTV1 A1 will no longer be supported ) and here for Htv 3, HTV5 and A2
    Thanks for the information. I still think it will be like TVPad..that time i was about to buy TVPad4 when I found out my TVpad(first generation) was not going to be supported. I decided to get the HTV2 instead. Meanwhile, I also wasted $ on WelTV and Moonbox m3s. Both didn’t last very long, but the HTV2 was still giving free TV streaming services until now, so it was worth it. No regrets at all.
  • My parents box updated and now it's asking for the activation code. Oh well.. Anyone bought an activation code? I am a little concerned that it's not really legit.
    Kind of sucks how they can deactivate your perfectly working box.
  • My parents box updated and now it's asking for the activation code. Oh well.. Anyone bought an activation code? I am a little concerned that it's not really legit.
    Kind of sucks how they can deactivate your perfectly working box.

    They want your box to die. They must be mad if people out there are still using this old baby. They r waiting for .. either u pay a small fee anytime now or buy yourself a new baby from them.

  • BTW, I sent email to this address, in Chinese, but no reply after 3 days.
    Finally got a reply to the email.
    Not sure why only some of us are targeted for the activation fees.
    It is just started. It will eventually happen to everything. The next will be HTV3 I guess..
    Ok check it here ( HTV2 HTV1 A1 will no longer be supported ) and here for Htv 3, HTV5 and A2
    lol those idiots update the older htv3 and not support the A1? my A1 updated and didn't see any bullshit message yet.

  • BTW, I sent email to this address, in Chinese, but no reply after 3 days.
    Finally got a reply to the email.
    Not sure why only some of us are targeted for the activation fees.
    It is just started. It will eventually happen to everything. The next will be HTV3 I guess..
    Ok check it here ( HTV2 HTV1 A1 will no longer be supported ) and here for Htv 3, HTV5 and A2
    i watched the youtube video. those new apps have been on my A1 from the past 2 years+.
  • I don't really trust this guy cuz he didn't say anything about the sub service which we all know and said to buy a new box from him. The boxes he sells non of which are from htv. So it only benefits him.

Htv Box Apps Download



Htv Box Activation Code Free Billowysajidali1

  • BTW, I sent email to this address, in Chinese, but no reply after 3 days.
    Finally got a reply to the email.
    Not sure why only some of us are targeted for the activation fees.
    Does the canto one still work for you guys?
  • The Cantonese app still work. However, the content isn't updated as often as the Mandarin one.
  • edited December 2018
    @munchu pretty sure it's 'targeted' because htv2 is 3 years old.
    Next year would probably be htv3 and so on..
  • And if they don't get enough subs, they might accelerate the schedule
  • edited December 2018
    of course, this 'lifetime' service is a doomed from the beginning
    it's basically a pyramid scheme.
    And if they don't get enough subs, they might accelerate the schedule
  • I have the same issue, no message for subscription but Cantonese app haven't updated since last week, playback apps can't play any TVB channels, the live channel is working normally, mandarin channel is normal too.
    Have anyone try FunTV box, I'm planning to buy a new one but don't want to buy the HTV 5, any good suggestion?
  • As of this morning, none of the TV apps work, 粵港樂視shows產品過期, 非凡電視asks for activation code, so as 鮮橙視頻and 7天回看, so my HTV2 box is practically dead. Activation code is $20 for 6 months for now, who knows when they'll change back to $40 or more. I'd rather invest on a new box, with faster processor and more memory/storage.
    I've bought an EVPad 3 for my parents and they like it. I'd probably buy one for myself too.
  • Why tho ?
    If it's $20 for 6 months, then just do that now. If it's more in the future than you get something else.
    No point of fighting with money.
    New box != you'll get longer service.
    As of this morning, none of the TV apps work, 粵港樂視shows產品過期, 非凡電視asks for activation code, so as 鮮橙視頻and 7天回看, so my HTV2 box is practically dead. Activation code is $20 for 6 months for now, who knows when they'll change back to $40 or more. I'd rather invest on a new box, with faster processor and more memory/storage.
    I've bought an EVPad 3 for my parents and they like it. I'd probably buy one for myself too.
  • Why dont you just subscribe of $20 instead of buying a new box?
    I don't get why you would spend more money on a new box.
    I have the same issue, no message for subscription but Cantonese app haven't updated since last week, playback apps can't play any TVB channels, the live channel is working normally, mandarin channel is normal too.
    Have anyone try FunTV box, I'm planning to buy a new one but don't want to buy the HTV 5, any good suggestion?
  • The apps on my htv2 are finally dead, but I never received 7 days notice or instructions on how to activate for $20 for 6 months. I agree with Padman that investing $20 is better than buying a new box right now cause we don’t know how long a new box will operate before they start charging a fee or shut down completely. Can someone assist in how to apply for activation. Thxs to all!
  • EVPad has a lot more channels to watch and replay, including Japanese TV which I watch sometimes. That's another reason why I'm considering.
    @jinx The website to buy activation code is
    If you're going to buy the activation code, can you share your experience after doing so?
  • The apps on my htv2 are finally dead, but I never received 7 days notice or instructions on how to activate for $20 for 6 months. I agree with Padman that investing $20 is better than buying a new box right now cause we don’t know how long a new box will operate before they start charging a fee or shut down completely. Can someone assist in how to apply for activation. Thxs to all!
    How do you know it stopped working?
  • I get an ED3 signal and a comment to notify a dealer every time I try opening a movie on my VOD and Live apps after buffering for couple of minutes each time.
  • Manchu..thxs and will update if I proceed with purchase. Perhaps fellow members can provide comments on experience with purchase/activation.
  • Has anybody tried buying the activation code?? What is an alternative to this subscription? Perhaps a different box for cantonese channels? Please help
  • I get an ED3 signal and a comment to notify a dealer every time I try opening a movie on my VOD and Live apps after buffering for couple of minutes each time.
    Maybe the server was down for maintenance. Try again later. If it truly related to sub service, it's another error.
  • if you have first generation HTV, old app still works never need to update
  • I tried to install the 超級直播 app that @TVBullshit mentioned in the thread onto my HTV2 box since its live TV app doesn't work anymore. The app installed OK and runs fine. I can even unlocked the TVB channels following the instructions which is great.
    The only problem is that the sound and picture are seriously out of sync by a big margin
    I'm wondering if the out of sync problem is a common issue of the app or only because I'm running it on the HTV2 box?
  • I have 2 HTV2 boxes. The one I bought 4 years ago has the same problem (Apps does not work after updates). The other one I bought 1 yr ago still works after Apps update (非凡电视 、鲜橙视频). I am also thinking just get another box rather than paying.