How To Upload Image In Codeigniter Source Code Free Download

CodeIgniter’s File Uploading Class permits files to be uploaded. You can set various preferences, restricting the type and size of the files. Create a form called uploadform.php. In it, place this code and save it to your application/views/ directory. You should see an upload form. Try uploading an image file (either a jpg, gif,. Sep 03, 2019  Since you work with content management systems, you might have encountered with image/file upload several times. This is a very essential feature as you want to upload user avatars, product images, etc. Today’s tutorial we illustrate how to upload an image in Codeigniter with the support of examples. To demonstrate this upload function, we will. Sep 13, 2016  Download Source Code – (Codeigniter) Ajax CRUD using Bootstrap modals and DataTables with image upload; September 13, 2016 Download Source Code – (Codeigniter) Ajax CRUD using Bootstrap modals and DataTables with Bulk Delete. Sep 13, 2016  Tags: ajax bootstrap bootstrap modals codeigniter codeigniter 3 codeigniter 3.0 CRUD datatable download image upload jquery mysql php source code Post navigation Download Source Code – (Codeigniter) Simple server-side Datatables example. Feb 19, 2010  In lesson nine of our CodeIgniter series, we'll build a small image gallery that allows you to upload files, and automatically create thumbnails. CodeIgniter from Scratch: File Uploading and Image Manipulation by Burak Guzel 19 Feb. File Uploading and Image Manipulation.

In this tutorial, we are going to look at how you can install and configure CodeIgniter. They are two ways of installation CodeIgniter. You can download the latest version from the CodeIgniter website, or you can use a tool like a composer to automate the installation

In this tutorial, you will learn:

Download and Install Latest CodeIgniter Framework

The source code for the CodeIgniter framework is available on the official CodeIgniter website. If you want to download the latest version of the framework, then you should do it from the official web page.

Step 1) Open the following URL in your browser

The image below shows the download link to the latest version of the framework

Step 2) Clicking the above link will download the framework as a zipped folder. Unzip the contents of

Step 3) Let's say you want to create a project called the online store. You can follow the following steps to start your project. Create a new directory in on your development drive, e.g, D:Sitesonline-store

Step 4) Open the contents of CodeIgniter-3.1.10, you should be able to see the following files

Copy the above contents to your project directory, e.g., D:Sitesonline-store

Step 5) Just to make sure everything is ok, open the terminal and start the built-in PHP server

Run the following command

load the following URL into your browser

If you see above image, all is working well,

What is Composer?

The composer is a package management system for PHP. A package is simply a collection of PHP scripts that work together towards a single goal. Based on this definition, CodeIgniter can even though it's a framework, qualifies to be labeled a package in composer terminologies.

The following image shows how the composer works

The author of CodeIgniter hosts the package at Packagist which is a central repository for PHP packages, etc.

When the developer runs the composer command to download CodeIgniter, Composer communicates with Packagist and downloads the latest release of the package. In addition to installing frameworks such as CodeIgniter, Composer can also be used to;

  • Install individual packages such as third-party email or database library
  • Update existing packages
  • Remove installed packages

How to install Composer

Step 1) Load the following URL in your browser

Download the setup and follow the installation instructions.

Step 2) Open the command prompt/terminal

Run the following command Avg activation code free.

You will see the following results

If you can see the above results, then congratulations, you have successfully installed the composer.

Let's now create a new project called online-store

Run the following command


  • composer create-project CodeIgniter/framework online-store composer invokes the composer program, create-project downloads the specified project framework which is in the namespace CodeIgniter.

You should be able to see results that is similar to the following

How To Upload Image In Codeigniter Source Code Free Download Free

If you are a big fan of commands on the terminal then this is the way to go otherwise you can use the good old fashioned download the zipped file, unzip and happy coding.

CodeIgniter Config Files

Now that we have successfully installed CodeIgniter let's look at the configuration directory

The configuration directory is located in


  • autoload.php – specifies the helpers, libraries, drivers, packages, etc that should be loaded when the application starts
  • config.php – contains application configurations such as base url, language, query strings, etc.
  • constants.php – as the name suggets, this file I used to define application constants
  • database.php – contains database connection parameters
  • doctypes.php – defines document types i.e. html4, html5, sv10 etc
  • foreign_chars.php – defines foreign characters that are to say characters that are found in languages such as Russian and others
  • hooks.php – allows you to define your own hooks
  • memcached.php – if you are using CodeIgniter together with Memcached then you can use this file for configurations.
  • migration.php – if you want to use database migrations in CodeIgniter then you can use this file to config the settings.
  • mimes.php – contains file mime types
  • profile.php – contains settings that ae used by the built-in CodeIgniter compiler
  • routes.php – contains the application routes
  • smileys.php – contains settings for smileys
  • user_agents.php – contains settings for browser user agents, i.e., Chrome, Opera, Firefox, etc.

CodeIgniter Configurations

let's now make some of the most common settings in CodeIgniter

Base URL

Sets the base URL. If its blank then CodeIgniter will set it for you automatically. If you want to be explicit about your base URL, then you can use the something like the following


  • $config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost:3000'; sets the base URL to localhost running on port 3000.

Class Prefix

CodeIgniter uses the prefix CI_Classname. As a best practice and to avoid collisions with internal classes, you can prefix your class, i.e., MY_Classname. The following line is used to set your class prefix

Query Strings

These are parameters that are visited in the URL, i.e., If you would like to use such URLs, then you will have to set

Other settings

They are many settings that you can set in config.php including date formats, cache and view paths, etc. much of what you configure depends on your application needs

How to remove index.php in CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is an MVC framework. This means it has a single entry point into the application which is index.php. It doesn't matter what URL you access. The all go through index.php. by default, index.php is shown in the URL as shown in the example below

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The URL looks longer and weird. The good thing is you can configure CodeIgniter to remove that.

Open application/config/config.php

Locate the following line


  • We are using mod_rewrite to remove the page so as per requirement, this should be set to blank.

Next, we need to create the .htaccess that rewrites the URLs

Add a new file .htacces in the root directory of the application

Add the following code


  • The above code is for configuring web servers that run apache server. The above code basically gets the URI parameters and executes them via index.php even if it's not showing in the browser URL.

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How To Upload Image In Codeigniter Source Code Free Download Pc

  • They are two ways of installation CodeIgniter. You can download the latest version from the CodeIgniter website, or you can use composer to automate the installation
  • The composer is a package management system for PHP
  • A composer can be used for: Install individual packages, Update existing packages remove installed packages